Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So last night I was running out to go to the grocery store for some dinner stuff....I was thinking - how about taco buffet? Refried beans, cut up tomatoes, shredded cheese, sour cream...I even considered hard shell tacos, but they looked supergross in the yellow box. As I was leaving, I noticed that the door didn't really close on it's own. Hmm. Doorknob is not working. Interesting.

I was able to leave eventually by slamming the door while unlocked and locking it from the outside. OK - Dave, it was way too easy for me to break into our apartment last week AND the doorknob is not totally working anymore, so let's use the deadbolt from now on. And call the fucking landlord.

Today I am wandering home from the train after school. It's 6:30. Once again, I climb the stairwell to the second floor, attempt to enter my apartment and I am LOCKED OUT for the second time in one week because I don't have a key to the deadbolt! See attached photo of me eating a salad alone in the local coffee shop while I write my blog. (I think I even have a little blog of goat cheese on my lip....charming).

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